Norrlandsfonden offers your company loans that will help you succeed. Our top-up loans are tailored to your needs. Here are some examples.
Focus on growth
Norrlandsfonden helps entrepreneurs and business owners to take advantage of attractive and unique opportunities for expansion and growth. With our loans you can take your business to the next level.
We help entrepreneurs and business owners continue to develop their businesses by offering long-term financing that enables investment in everything from new machinery to product development.
Acquiring an established business can be the most economical and fastest way to become a business owner. Norrlandsfonden helps you to realize your dream.
Get in touch with us
You can make your loan application by contacting us directly. Contact the business analyst responsible for your municipality for more information about our offer. You don’t need to prepare anything, just call or email us and we will have established contact and can move forward from there.
Flexible Top-up Loans
Our top-up loans are flexible and can be adapted to changing financing needs. They are particularly suitable for start-ups or investments in new products, new markets and marketing campaigns as well as machinery, buildings and working capital.
Convertible Bonds
Convertible bonds are a good form of loan for companies in need of sustained loan capital and who plan to spread ownership to, for example, a venture capital company or a business angel. The convertible opens up new opportunities for complementary and long-term financing.
Guarantees and Sureties
For individual business transactions, we provide our own guarantees or counter guarantees for, for instance advances and performance commitments. For example, our surities cover seasonal liquidity needs and allow companies to build their business for the long term.